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A: Can I help you?
B: I need some/a.
A: Yes, of course.
B: Sorry. This is / These are too
A: OK. Do you like this/these?
B: How much
A: It's/They're
B: Here you are.
A: Thank you.
A: Would you like
B: Yes, please.


Ответ дал: naxix


A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, I'm looking for a new dress for a party.

A: Sure, what kind of dress are you looking for?

B: I need something elegant and stylish.

A: How about this one? It's a beautiful red dress.

B: Sorry, this is too flashy for me.

A: No problem. How about this black one? It's simple and classy.

B: I like it. How much is it?

A: It's $100.

B: Here you are.

A: Thank you. Would you like me to wrap it up for you?

B: Yes, please. And also, do you have any matching accessories?

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