Complete the sentences with one word from the box in each gap. There are three extra words.

badly-paid hard in from long part-time. well-paid with nine-to-five

I've got a nine-to-five job so I get home at about six o'clock every evening. Unfortunately, it's a 1____ job and
I don't earn a lot so I've also got a 2____ job for two hours
a day in the evening. The evening job is great. I work 3______a supermarket. I work on a checkout and there are always people there- customers and the people I work 4_______ In my other job, I don't work very5____ hours-8 a day-but it's really boring. Not many people come into the office or phone. I don't know why I'm there, really.

9vwbqmwtyf: 1. badly-paid


Ответ дал: 9vwbqmwtyf


1. badly-paid

2. part- time

3. in

4. with

5. hard

andriy12834956710: Що за бред там слова дані
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