30. He (collect) stamps ever since he was a small boy. 31. He never (believe) in the importance of women's education. 32. I (study) hard of late. I've got exams next week. 33. It (ger) harder and harder to find time. 34. Jimmy always (have) cold and chest problems. 35. You're very late. I (talk) to Henry and he just goes on and on. 36. It is the first time he (clean) his own boots. 37. Why are my books all over the floor? - Helen (look) at them. 38. Older people (become) more isolated now. 39. I know that since January he (be) in charge of the marketing division. 40. Katia says she (be) very tired recently. She (work) almost sixty hours a week for the past month.​


Ответ дал: oloxbadanov


He has been collecting stamps ever since he was a small boy.

He never believed in the importance of women's education.

I have been studying hard of late. I've got exams next week.

It is getting harder and harder to find time.

Jimmy always has cold and chest problems.

You're very late. I have been talking to Henry and he just goes on and on.

It is the first time he has cleaned his own boots.

Why are my books all over the floor? - Helen is looking at them.

Older people are becoming more isolated now.

I know that since January he has been in charge of the marketing division.

Katia says she has been very tired recently. She has been working almost sixty hours a week for the past month.

Ответ дал: anya52357


He has been collecting stamps ever since he was a small boy.

He never believed in the importance of women's education.

I have been studying hard of late. I've got exams next week.

It is getting harder and harder to find time.

Jimmy always has cold and chest problems.

You're very late. I have been talking to Henry and he just goes on and on.

It is the first time he has cleaned his own boots.

Why are my books all over the floor? - Helen is looking at them.

Older people are becoming more isolated now.

I know that since January he has been in charge of the marketing division.

Katia says she has been very tired recently. She has been working almost sixty hours a week for the past month

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