134 a Complete the conversations with the present perfect form of the verb in brackets and an adverb from the list. You can use the adverbs more than once. already ever just never yet A Why are you smiling? B I've just found a €50 note! (find) 1 A a flight online? (book) you B Yes, of course. I've done it loads of times. 2 A When are you going to buy a motorbike? B Soon. I (save) 3 A you B No, sorry. I forgot. ΔΑ your parents the phone bill (lend) B Yes, but I paid it back as soon as I could. 5 A How does eBay work? B I don't know. I 6 A What are you celebrating? B We 7 A Why haven't you got any money? BI phone last week. (spend) 8 A Would you like a coffee? B No, thanks. I nearly €1,000. ? (pay) you money? it. (use) the lottery! (win) my salary. I bought a new one. (have) E​



Ответ дал: temurbekrasulov0220

Ответ:1 A Have you booked a flight online? (book)

B Yes, I've done it loads of times.

2 A When are you going to buy a motorbike?

B Soon. I haven't saved enough money yet. (save)

3 A Have you lent your parents the phone bill money? (lend)

B Yes, but I paid it back as soon as I could.

4 A How many times have you used this credit card? (use)

B I've never used it before.

5 A How does eBay work?

B I don't know. I've never used it before.

6 A What are you celebrating?

B We have just won the lottery! (win)

7 A Why haven't you got any money?

B I spent all my salary. (spend)

8 A Have you paid nearly €1,000? (pay)

B Yes, I have just paid it.


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