1. Complete the gaps with the following words. claws stitching eagles 5. This shyrdak has a nice 6. The sweater was made of layer 7. 8. There was a thin horns wool 1. My grandmother was stitching a shyrdak and singing a beautiful song. 2. Cows, sheep and goats have 3. Shyrdak is made of 4. Cats have sharp felt have excellent eyesight. pattern of dust on the table. по фото​



Ответ дал: stighor



2) Cows, sheep and goats have horns.    (рога)
3) Shyrdak is made of felt.    (войлок)
4) Cats have sharp claws.    (когти)
5) This shyrdak has a nice pattern.    (узор)
6) The sweater was made of wool.    (шерсть)
7 Eagles have excellent eyesight.     (орлы)
8) There was a thin layer of dust on the table.    (слой)

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