ХЕЛП МОЛЮ 3.. Open the brackets and form Present Perfect Progressive of the verbs 1. British people (drink) Lipton Tea for more than 100 years. 2.Berni restaurants chain (work) since 1950. 3. He (to work) hard since four o'clock. 4. Kate (to wash) the floor for twenty minutes already. 5. How long you (learn) the French language? 6. The children (to play) football since three o'clock but they are not tired. 7. I (not to eat) at night for two tears.​



Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. British people have been drinking Lipton Tea for more than 100 years. 2.Berni restaurants chain has been working  since 1950. 3. He has been working hard since four o'clock. 4. Kate has been  washing the floor for twenty minutes already. 5. How long you have you been learning the French language? 6. The children have been playing  football since three o'clock but they are not tired. 7. I have not been eating at night for two years.​


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