Put 'in', at ', of', on', about 'Use the' - ing' formof the verbs in brackets.
1)We are keen... ... (draw).
2)l am interested... ... (play) hockey.
3)Jane is fond... ... (dance).
4)Bill and Jane are good... ... (cook).
5)We are good... ... (speak) English.
6)Children are crazy...... (play) computer games.


Ответ дал: ruslanfeya5


1) We are keen on drawing.

2) I am interested in playing hockey.

3) Jane is fond of dancing.

4) Bill and Jane are good at cooking.

5) We are good at speaking English.

6) Children are crazy about playing computer games

rubkub31: https://znanija.com/task/52355495?utm_source=android&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=question
rubkub31: помоги пожалуйста
Ответ дал: maksbroska

1) We are keen on drawing

2) I am interested in playing hockey

3) Jane is fond of dancing

4) Bill and Jane are good at cooking

5) We are good at speaking English

6) Children are crazy about playing computer games

rubkub31: https://znanija.com/task/52355495?utm_source=android&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=question
rubkub31: помогите пожалуйста
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