3 Should you expect to pay more for goods in a shop than on a website? Why? / Why not? ​


Ответ дал: kletskiynazar

Ответ: It depends on various factors such as the type of product, brand, location, competition, and customer demand. Generally, physical retail stores have higher overhead costs such as rent, employee salaries, utilities, and maintenance, which can increase the price of goods. On the other hand, online stores have lower overhead costs and can operate with fewer employees, which can result in lower prices for goods.

However, in some cases, physical stores may offer discounts, clearance sales, or promotional deals that make the prices more competitive with online stores. Additionally, some customers prefer to shop in physical stores for the convenience, immediacy, and tactile experience of the products.

Overall, the prices of goods in a shop and on a website can vary based on various factors and it is important for consumers to compare prices and quality before making a purchase decision.


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