Test: Module 6 III VOCABULARY A. Write the words in the box under the correct heading. windy monkey autumn cloudy B. Write the months that are missing. January March May June August SEASONS October November COMMUNICATION Choose a or b. 1. How's life? a. I hope you're fine. 2. What's the weather like? a. It's snowing. 3. Are you ready? a. I'm getting dressed now. 4. What's the date? a. It's Mother's Day. 5. What do you think of my cap? a. It looks cool. Score b. Great. b. It's winter. 5 b. Nothing much. b. It's 20 April. ANIMALS 6. Why are you decorating the house? a. Because the party is tonight. b. Yes, I am. Score lion spring bear b. I'm having a look. 6 Full PLUS summer WEATHER Score 5. A: Are you enjoying the party? B: Yes, we're taking/having a great time! 6. You're the winner of the competition! Good luck / Congratulations! 7. There are lots of endangered animals. We must save / forget them! 8. The parade starts at the town concert / square. C. Circle the correct words. 1. Look! There's a blue flyer / flag on that castle. 2. Here's a(n) invitation / celebration to my party. 3. We can't go swimming because/ why it's cold outside. 4. My mum is preparing / inviting some sandwiches for us. Score hot GRAMMAR A. Complete the sentences with on or in. 1. My brother's birthday is July. 2. The weather is always nice. 3. Mother's Day is 4. What do you usually do spring. 9th May this year. 5 Score 9 New Year's Day? 4​


Ответ дал: Alaska2018


Завдання дуже криво написано. Сподіваюся, що відповів правильно. Наступного разу оформлюйте свої запитання більш читабельно і коректно.
A. Write the words in the box under the correct heading.

  • windy: cloudy, autumn
  • monkey: bear, lion
  • B. Write the months that are missing.
  • January, March, May, June, August: February, April, July, September, December
  • SEASONS: spring, summer, autumn, winter

COMMUNICATION Choose a or b.

  • How's life? a. I hope you're fine.
  • What's the weather like? b. It's winter.
  • Are you ready? b. Nothing much.
  • What's the date? a. It's Mother's Day.
  • What do you think of my cap? b. It's 20 April.


  • Why are you decorating the house? a. Because the party is tonight.


  • A: Are you enjoying the party? B: Yes, we're having a great time!


  • A. Complete the sentences with on or in.
  • My brother's birthday is in July.
  • The weather is always nice in spring.
  • Mother's Day is on 9th May this year.
  • What do you usually do on New Year's Day?
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