8 She isn't evening because she's got to study. 5 Find and correct six mistakes in the text. Thank you, Ms Palmer! When I was younger, I wasn't very good at anything. I couldn't swim, I won't be able to read very well and I couldn't ride a bike on my own until I was twelve! People used to ask me things like, 'Can you to say "thank you" in French?' and I just looked down and felt embarrassed. The problem was I just didn't have any confidence. I could to do these things if I really tried, but I didn't believe I could. Then one day I had a new French teacher, Ms Palmer, and she gave me lots of attention. She really encouraged me and said things like, 'If you manage read this text, I'll let you play the French app on your tablet for ten minutes.' It worked and not only did my French improve, but now I'm able' do lots of other things and I feel more confident too. Next year I'm hoping I was able to learn Spanish and Italian too. 'Merci beaucoup, Ms Palmer!' 1 wasn't 2 3 4 6 1=1 11​ срочно



Ответ дал: Riplerrcup



8 She isn't going out this evening because she's got to study.

5 Find and correct six mistakes in the text. Thank you, Ms Palmer! When I was younger, I wasn't very good at anything. I couldn't swim, I wasn't able to read very well and I couldn't ride a bike on my own until I was twelve! People used to ask me things like, 'Can you say "thank you" in French?' and I just looked down and felt embarrassed. The problem was I just didn't have any confidence. I could do these things if I really tried, but I didn't believe I could. Then one day I had a new French teacher, Ms Palmer, and she gave me lots of attention. She really encouraged me and said things like, 'If you manage to read this text, I'll let you play the French app on your tablet for ten minutes.' It worked and not only did my French improve, but now I'm able to do lots of other things and I feel more confident too. Next year I'm hoping I'll be able to learn Spanish and Italian too. 'Merci beaucoup, Ms Palmer!' 1 wasn't 2 won't be able to 3 read 4 to 6 I'm able to

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