Перевести в косвенную речь
1. “I did not understand this question,” the museum guide said._____________________________
2.“We are landing in Heathrow in 20 minutes,” they said. ___________________________________
3.“You must prepare the monthly sales report,” the manager told Jack._________________________
4.“In the morning our elevator wasn’t working”, she complained.______________________________
5.“I have finished reading “Dracula” this week”, Ted said._____________________________________

6.“It will not be easy to convince him,” Brian said.___________________________________________
7.“You can collect your passport tomorrow,” the travel agent told me.__________________________
8.The old man visited me yesterday,” Paul said._____________________________________________
9.I had not finished my work when you came here,” Mike told me.______________________________


Ответ дал: Julwixiya


  1. The museum guide said that he/she had not understood that question.
  2. They said that they were landing in Heathrow in 20 minutes.
  3. The manager told Jack that he must prepare the monthly sales report.
  4. She complained that the elevator wasn't working in the morning.
  5. Ted said that he had finished reading "Dracula" that week.
  6. Brian said that it would not be easy to convince him.
  7. The travel agent told me that I could collect my passport the next day.
  8. Paul said that the old man had visited him the day before.
  9. Mike told me that he had not finished his work when I came there.
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