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Last summer, I was in Ibiza with my family. One day, my dad hired a yacht and we went sailing. The weather was strange that day. One minute, it was hot and the next, it was cool, so I decided to wear a jacket. All morning, the sea was calm. But after lunch, I started to feel worried when the sky grew dark.

B Minutes later it started raining heavily and a massive wave smashed into us. Before I knew what happened, my sister and I were in the sea. I swam fast towards her. I held Lisa's head above the waves and looked round for the yacht. It was on its side. Luckily, one of the lifeboats floated nearby. I pushed my sister into it and climbed in. I couldn't see my parents anywhere.

It took five hours for the rescue team to find us. When they brought us back to shore, our parents were waiting for us. We were relieved to be safe and back together.​


Ответ дал: timosuka739


Надеюсь помог тебе удачи.


kaktus22862: Мне нужен переказ
timosuka739: а ой щас найду
kaktus22862: не нужно искать, мне нужно сделать
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