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Ответ дал: lidiia3847483
1. The Maya Indian tribe made the first chewing gum.
2. 'Chicle' is a substance taken from the sapodilla tree that the Maya Indians used to chew.
3. In the beginning, only kids and single women were allowed to chew gum in public. Married women and widows could chew it privately, while men could chew it in secret.
4. Yes, modern gum is made using the same method as the Maya tribe did.
5. False - Chewing gum has been around for centuries.
6. True - It was used by the Maya Indians to quench thirst and fight hunger.
7. False - Only kids and single women were allowed to chew gum in public at that time.
8. Factories have the same role in making chewing gum as the Maya tribe did.
9. All ages enjoy eating chewing gum.
10. (No answer provided)Correction:
5. True - Chewing gum has been around for centuries.
8. Factories have the same method of making chewing gum as the Maya tribe did.
Чи можно дякую?
Ответ дал: tattev


  1. Maya Indian tribe
  2. it was a substance, taken from the sapodilla tree
  3. only kids and single women
  4. in Europe

  1. true
  2. true
  3. false
  4. false
  5. true


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