Скласти діалог за зразком:

Chris: Hi, Tom! How about going to THE CINEMA today?

Tom: I don't like that idea. I went to the cinema yesterday with my cousin. THE FILM WAS BORING.

Chris: Let's go to The Science Museum instead. I haven't visited it yet. They say that there are MANY INTERESTING THINGS CONNECTED WITH NEW DISCOVERIES there.

Tom: OK. I hope it'll be exciting! a similar dialogue.​

Срочно. Будь ласка. Дам 20 балов


Ответ дал: polinadobrolevska


Customer: Good evening. I'd like to book a table in your restaurant, please.

Receptionist: I will be happy to help you. When would you like a table for?

Customer: For Wednesday evening, at 6 p. m.

Receptionist: Wednesday evening, October 13. For how many people?

Customer: For five people.

Receptionist: Sure. Can I get your name please?

Customer: Smith.

Receptionist: Could you give me your contact number?

Customer: Sure, it's 7589634129.

Receptionist: So, that's a table for 5 people for Wednesday evening, October 13. Thank you, Mr. Smit. We are waiting for you.

Customer: Thank you. Goodbye!

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