What do the photos, map, sings, and coins tell you about Ireland? Write about your first impressions and what you want to find out about Ireland while working on this unit. Use your exercise book(write about 100 words)​



Ответ дал: Doge32D


From the photos, map, signs, and coins, I can tell that Ireland is a country with a rich history and culture. The photos show beautiful landscapes and historic landmarks, such as castles and stone towers. The map highlights the different regions of Ireland, including cities like Dublin and Cork. The signs show both the Irish language and English language being used interchangeably, which tells me that the Irish language is an important part of the country's culture. The coins also feature images of famous Irish figures, such as James Joyce and W.B. Yeats, further suggesting the importance of Irish culture and history.

My first impression of Ireland is that it is a country with a strong sense of identity and a rich history. I am curious to learn more about the Irish language, the country's traditional music and dance, and its famous writers and poets. I also want to learn about the country's political history and the current state of affairs, as well as the cuisine and the customs and traditions of the people who call Ireland home.

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