5 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. Add any other words that are necessary.
O I hate waiting (wait) for buses. Don't you?
1 If you
(be) lost in town, what would you do?
2 Our house
(paint) last week. It looks great!
3 I
(just / see Ralf at the cinema.
4 I
(poster / make) yesterday, by a shop in town.
5 IfI
(not have) any money, I wouldn't go into town.
6 Apples
(grow) by many farmers in the area.
7 I forgot
(bring) my sports kit to school yesterday.
8 Anna has a friend
(who / go) to the same school as Beth.
9 If the teacher
(speak) more slowly, I could understand her better.
10 I'm planning
(hair / style) by my sister for the party tomorrow.
6 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use ONE or TWO words.
O I'd like a slice of pizza, please.
Can [have a slice of pizza, please?
1 You should try skateboarding - it's great!
you try skateboarding - it's great!
2 My brother Tom is never patient.
My brother Tom is a very
3 You won't have a problem - don't worry!
fine - don't worry!
4 You haven't done quite enough practice for the race.
You need to practise a bit
for the race.
5 In this photo, my dad is standing behind my mum.
In this photo, my mum is standing in
my dad.
6 It wasn't at all responsible of Harry to leave the door unlocked.


Ответ дал: kokarevdanil21


O I hate waiting (wait) for buses. Don't you?

1 If you were lost in town, what would you do?

2 Our house was painted last week. It looks great!

3 I just saw Ralf at the cinema.

4 I had a poster made yesterday, by a shop in town.

5 If I didn't have any money, I wouldn't go into town.

6 Apples are grown by many farmers in the area.

7 I forgot to bring my sports kit to school yesterday.

8 Anna has a friend who goes to the same school as Beth.

9 If the teacher spoke more slowly, I could understand her better.

10 I'm planning to have my hair styled by my sister for the party tomorrow.


6 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use ONE or TWO words.

O I'd like a slice of pizza, please.

Can I have a slice of pizza, please?

1 You should try skateboarding - it's great!

Why don't you try skateboarding - it's great!

2 My brother Tom is never patient.

My brother Tom is a very impatient person.

3 You won't have a problem - don't worry!

You will be fine - don't worry!

4 You haven't done quite enough practice for the race.

You need to practise a bit more for the race.

5 In this photo, my dad is standing behind my mum.

In this photo, my mum is standing in front of my dad.

6 It wasn't at all responsible of Harry to leave the door unlocked.

It was very irresponsible of Harry to leave the door unlocked.


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