A. Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences.

1) The clock just (strike) five. It’s teatime.

2) They (build) the sports centre for a year and a half. It’ll soon be ready.

3) How long you (wear) this jacket? It looks rather old and dirty.

4) Jim is my close friend, I (know) him all my life.

5) For many years Mrs Wilson (buy) vegetables in one and the same place.

6) Anna knows St Petersburg very well, she (spend) there eight years.

7) Sue (not tell) you the truth. What kind of friend is she?

8) They (own) the shop since last year. I hear that they’re doing very well.
Помогите пожлст.


Ответ дал: Пеппер

1) The clock is just  striking five. It’s teatime.

2) They have been building a sports center for a year and a half.  It’ll soon be ready.

3) How long have you been wearing this jacket?  It looks rather old and dirty.

4) Jim is my close friend, I have known him all my life.

5) For many years Mrs Wilson has been buying vegetables in one and the same place.

6) Anna knows St. Petersburg very well, she spent eight years there.

7) Sue is not telling you the truth. What kind of friend is she?

8) They have owned the shop since last year. I hear that they’re doing very well.

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