6 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1 You don't bring anything - it's not necessary. 2. Please, you need come! It's going to be a great concert. 3 We haven't to pay for the skate park. 4 You pay nothing for the disco. It's free! 5 We have get up early to go sailing. 6 You has to pack warm clothes for the school trip.​


Ответ дал: Vladimirsevcuk


1. You don't need to bring anything - it's not necessary.

2. Please come, it's going to be a great concert.

3. We don't have to pay for the skate park.

4. You don't have to pay anything for the disco. It's free!

5. We have to get up early to go sailing.

6. You have to pack warm clothes for the school trip.


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