• Предмет: История
  • Автор: e952391347
  • Вопрос задан 5 месяцев назад

Which of these supplies do you think they would have chosen to take with them? Hint: what would have been necessary to help them survive the journey? A pot/Their nicest clothing/ A sketchbook and paints


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Ответ дал: pupkinll2016


Assuming you are referring to a journey in a wilderness or survival situation, the most essential supply that would be necessary for their survival would be a pot. A pot can be used to cook food, boil water for drinking, and even as a container for collecting and storing water.

Their nicest clothing and a sketchbook with paints would not be essential for survival in such a situation. While clothing is important for protection from the elements, their nicest clothing would not provide any additional benefit in terms of survival. Similarly, while a sketchbook with paints could be a source of entertainment and a means to document their journey, it would not be necessary for survival.

So, if they were to choose one of these supplies to take with them on a survival journey, the most practical choice would be a pot.

e952391347: Thank you so much
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