Task 8 (10 points).

Fill in the gaps with the prepositions in, at, on if necessary.

Example: 0. My birthday is _____ the fourth of November. – My birthday is on the fourth of November.

– When is your birthday? – It is _____ the 23rd of May.
_____ Monday students have six lessons.
Pam was in Moscow _____ 2019.
I study _____ all day, so I rarely have time to go out.
Ann's father was born in Kiev _____ 1987.
My parents go to the theatre _____ next weekend.
Our grandparents will arrive _____ a week.
Sarah comes home _____ the afternoon.
Carol is cleaning her room and _____ the same time is listening to music.
_____ Christmas we have a dinner party.

Task 9 (16 points).

Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Write full sentences.

There aren’t some really good films to watch.
Would you like any juice?
It is too many pepper in Jack's soup.
Meg needs a eggs for the pie.
Have Pete and John got much friends?
Does Geoge know some Russians?
May I have a tea, please?
How much cakes are there?


Ответ дал: Fghfgjncfuknvc


When is your birthday? – It is on the 23rd of May.

On Monday students have six lessons.

Pam was in Moscow in 2019.

I study sall day, so I rarely have time to go out.

Ann's father was born in Kiev in 1987.

My parents go to the theatre at next weekend.

Our grandparents will arrive on a week.

Sarah comes home in the afternoon.

Carol is cleaning her room and at the same time is listening to music.

At Christmas we have a dinner party.

Ответ дал: virrrjinya700prt


– When is your birthday? – It is on the 23rd of May. on Monday students have six lessons.

Pam was in Moscow in 2019.

I study (вроде ничего) all day, so I rarely have time to go out.

Ann's father was born in Kiev in 1987.

My parents go to the theatre (ничего) next weekend.

Our grandparents will arrive in a week.

Sarah comes home in the afternoon.

Carol is cleaning her room and at the same time is listening to music.

At Christmas we have a dinner party.

There are no really good films to watch

Would you like some juice?

It is too much pepper in Jack's soup.

Meg needs eggs for the pie.

Have Pete and John got many friends? или Do Pete and John have many friends?

Does Geoge know a little Russians?

May(can) I have some tea, please?

How many cakes are there?


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