Correct the mistakes.
1) a tube of cigarettes 6) a packet of toothpaste
2) a bag of matches 7) a box of film
3) a bunch of chocolate 8) a bar of cookies
4) a tin of potatoes 9) a carton of fish
5) a roll of bananas 10) a pack of milk


Ответ дал: Normick14


1) a pack of cigarettes 6) a tube of toothpaste

2) a box of matches 7) a roll of film

3) a bar of chocolate 8) a packet of cookies

4) a tin of peas 9) a can of fish

5) a bunch of bananas 10) a carton of milk

Ответ дал: nekoglaafan23


a pack of cigarettes

a box of matches

a bar of chocolate

a can of potatoes

a bunch of bananas

a tube of toothpaste

a roll of film

a box of cookies

a can of fish

a carton of milk


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