WRITING 5 Look at the table. What do/don't they like doing? Write the sentences in your notebook. SPEAKING Jamal ✓ ✓ X X Asmar X ✓ X ✓ X Housework tidy up the room make the bed wash up the dishes sweep the floor dust the furniture . помогите пожалуйста ​



Ответ дал: poidda

Jamal likes to tidy up the room.

Asmar doesn't like to tidy up the room.

Jamal and Asmar like to make the bed.

Jamal likes to wash the dishes.

Asmar doesn't like to wash the dishes.

Jamal doesn't like to sweep the floor.

Asmar likes to sweep the floor.

Jamal and Asmar don't like to dust the furniture.

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