9 Imagine you are on holiday in Nur-Sultan. Send your English penfriend a short message (50 words). In your message write: • where you are who you are with • when you arrived what the place is like • what you have done/haven't done • how you like it​


Ответ дал: iphonehappylife
Dear [Penfriend's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to let you know that I'm currently on holiday in Nur-Sultan, the capital city of Kazakhstan. I'm here with a group of friends and we arrived a few days ago.

Nur-Sultan is a beautiful city, with modern architecture and plenty of green spaces. We've spent a lot of time exploring the city and trying out local cuisine, which has been amazing so far.

We haven't had the chance to visit all of the attractions yet, but we're planning to visit the Bayterek Tower and the National Museum soon.

Overall, I'm really enjoying my time in Nur-Sultan. The city has a unique blend of old and new, and the people here are incredibly friendly. I can't wait to see what else this city has to offer.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

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