3.08 Study the key phrases. Then listen to
the conversation again and write true or false.
Correct the false sentences.
KEY PHRASES O Talking about sport
What's the score?
It's 3-3 (three all).
It's 1-0 (one-nil) to ....
I think it'll be a draw.
I'm sure we'll win / lose.
The match started twenty-five minutes ago.
2 Andy was late because he was playing a
computer game.
3 Liverpool didn't score first.
4 Liverpool are winning.
5 Paula doesn't think that Liverpool will win.



Ответ дал: 87009712011kz


1Nissan ajwi is the latest in the world to offer

the best fuel 2efficient vehicles in the world

for a better price of more than a dollar of an


3Jason said the company has a lot to offer


4bee says you are a good man but don't

worry about it and don't want to go out with

her and have to

adolfgitler393: Нет
keka7222: не то
tolepsamat7: пацан тут тру и фолс надо делат
87009712011kz: нет
87009712011kz: правильно
87009712011kz: вы посмотрите мой статус и мои ответы разве где то юыло не правильно??
adolfgitler393: Рофл
asylai200980: аа
tiktok2022717: 1 true
kydyralinazym35: 2,34,, ???
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