4. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple affirmative of the correct verb. 0 have do I had lunch at 2 p.m. yesterday. 1 go/meet I 2 eat/drink Yesterday Mum Ted at the cinema an hour ago 3 make/buy 4 take/put Jim last year. www.nonymou We supermarket. 5 give / do Dad birthday. tea after dinne some cakes at the lots of photos on holiday me a watch for my last O/E​

qctuyibzp: це дуже легко а ти не знаешь???
Аноним: я знаю просто тупакам казати не хочу
qctuyibzp: оо отлетаешь за оск)


Ответ дал: kramarenkonasta8


I had lunch at 2 pm yesterday.

I met Ted at the cinema an hour ago.

Mum and I ate/drank at the cinema an hour ago.

We bought some cakes at the supermarket.

Jim took/put the last year off.

Dad gave me tea after dinner.


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