5 Complete the questions and then match the answers. ?
Max and Emma on holiday last July...
...your brother naughty yesterday
... the computer in the classroom this morning
... Sally at the sports centre
...you on holiday in Poland? your mum born
When ... your mum Born
a. No, it wasn't. b. No, she wasn't. c No, they weren't. d Yes, I was. e In 1990. f Yes, he was.​


Ответ дал: donecanastasia848


When was your mum born? - e) In 1990.

Were Max and Emma on holiday last July? - c) No, they weren't.

Was your brother naughty yesterday? - f) Yes, he was.

Was the computer in the classroom this morning? - a) No, it wasn't.

Was Sally at the sports centre? - b) No, she wasn't.

Were you on holiday in Poland? - No answer provided to match.

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