9. It’s very noisy. ____ Suzy _____ (listen) to music?

10. Many birds _____ (fly) south every summer.

11. Jane _____ (not drink) coffee very often.

12. I _____ (not meet) John tomorrow, he will be out of town.

13. Let’s go out! It _____ (not rain) at the moment.

14. She _____ (think) that the film is quite interesting.

15. ____ you _____ (speak) French?

Please, help​


Ответ дал: doriangray980610


мир твоему дому брат


1. Is Suzy listening to music?

2. Fly

3. Does not drink

4. Will not meet

5. Is not raining

6. Thinks

7. Do you speak French?

f1ngerassdick: спасибо, брат
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