1 Did Mark have 2 There's nothing 3 Is there anywhere 4 I want to go 5 Can I have 6 No one told me 7 Did anyone 8 Someone a something to drink, please? b you liked tennis. c anything to say about the accident? d see that great film on TV last night? on TV tonight. e f we can go on Saturday? g h gave me a present for my birthday. somewhere quiet to read.​


Ответ дал: donecanastasia848


Did Mark have anything to say about the accident?

There's nothing on TV tonight.

Is there anywhere quiet to read?

I want to go see that great film on TV last night.

Can I have something to drink, please?

No one told me you liked tennis.

Did anyone give me a present for my birthday?

Someone gave me a present for my birthday.

Ответ дал: nekto1148


Did Mark have anything to say about the accident?

There's nothing on TV tonight.

Is there anywhere quiet to read?

I want to go see that great film on TV last night.

Can I have something to drink, please?

No one told me you liked tennis.

Did anyone give me a present for my birthday?

Someone gave me a present for my birthday.

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