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Read these sentences and choose the correct answer to fill in the gaps.

1. It was 9 p.m. Sam __________ go home.

a) had to;

b) must.

2. You __________ press the button to open this window.

a) had to;

b) must.

3. Tourists haven't eaten for a few hours, so they __________ be hungry.

a) must;

b) can.

4. Alex is 20 minutes late, there __________ be something wrong.

a) must;

b) can.

5. John's brother is 6 years old but he __________ write and count.

a) must;

b) can.

6. Daniel __________ speak Chinese, but maybe he'll learn it someday.

a) couldn't;

b) can't.

7. Nobody __________ tell me what was wrong.

a) could;

b) couldn't.

8. Ann earns a lot of money. She __________ buy whatever she wants.

a) can;

b) is able to.

9. Will James __________ solve this problem?

a) can;

b) be able to.

10. I've lost my key! I __________ get inside the flat!

a) am not able to;

b) can't.


Ответ дал: Madinowww


1. a) had to

2. b) must

3. a) must

4. a) must

5. b) can

6. b) can't

7. a) could

8. a) can

9. b) be able to

10. b) can't.

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