8. Continue the sentences:
1. Mike understands
2. I usually enjoy
3. Wise people advise me
4. Teacher has already finished
5. Michel prefers
6. My mother enjoyed_______when she was young
7. She will advise me
8. I didn't understand his


Ответ дал: Sez1a
  1. Mike understands the importance of time management.
  2. I usually enjoy spending time with my family and friends.
  3. Wise people advise me to think before I speak.
  4. Teacher has already finished grading the exams.
  5. Michel prefers to travel by train instead of by plane.
  6. My mother enjoyed listening to music and dancing when she was young.
  7. She will advise me on the best course of action to take.
  8. I didn't understand his explanation of the problem.
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