Marco Polo was only 16 when
he joined his father and uncle
on an expedition through Asia.
During his 24-year journey along
the Silk Road, he visited places
like Constantinople, Baghdad and
Beijing. By the time he returned
to Venice in 1295, he had
travelled almost ________
a 4,000 km b 14,000 km
c 24,000 km


Ответ дал: ksbysh2


c. 24,000 km


In addition, Polo describes the ubiquitous life of the Chinese, mentioning the use of paper money, types of crafts, and culinary traditions of different areas. He stayed in China for 17 years, after which he returned (1292-1295) to Europe to Venice in 1295 by sea with a wealth of wealth and treasures. He covered almost 15,000 miles (24,140 km) [9].

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