4 10.3.6 Answer the following questions.
Why did it take Cameron a long time to produce
2 How did Cameron manage to combine live-action
scenes with computer-generated scenes?


Ответ дал: Sez1a
  1. It took James Cameron a long time to produce the film Avatar because the technology at the time was not advanced enough to create the visual effects he envisioned. Cameron wanted to create a fully immersive and realistic world, which required the development of new technologies and techniques in motion capture, 3D modeling, and virtual cinematography. He also spent several years developing the script and world-building, ensuring that the story and characters were compelling and well-rounded.
  2. Cameron managed to combine live-action scenes with computer-generated scenes through a process called motion capture. He had actors perform in a specially designed studio that captured their movements and expressions with sensors attached to their bodies and faces. This data was then used to create computer-generated characters and environments that could interact with the live-action footage seamlessly. Additionally, Cameron utilized a virtual camera system that allowed him to "film" the virtual world in real-time, giving him more control over the camera angles and movements. Overall, the combination of motion capture, virtual cinematography, and cutting-edge visual effects technology allowed Cameron to bring his vision of Avatar to life on the big screen.

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