(** Complete the sentences with a, an, the or o (no article).
1 Barack Obama is famous man. He is president of USA.
2 Sydney is big city in Australia. It isn't capital of Australia._ capital is Canberra.
3 Manchester City are famous British football team. Their stadium is in Manchester.
4 Get tomato. Cut tomato into
four pieces.
5 llove listening to
Indian music. I love
music in Indian films.
lot of fruit and vegetables because
6 leat
I'm vegetarian.


Ответ дал: globusselvavtobus

Ответ:1. Barack Obama is a famous man. He is a president of USA.

2. Sydney is a big city in Australia. It isn't an capital of Australia. Capital is Canberra.

3. Manchester City are a famous British football team. Their stadium is in Manchester

4. Get a tomato. Cut a tomato into four pieces.

5. I love listening to an indian music. I love music in indian films.

6. I eat lot of fruit and vegetables because I'm a vegetarian.


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