Срочно даю 50 баллов! Ex.2. Choose the correct item A, B or C.
Yesterday my family and I ______________ (6) to a seafood ______________ (7). I don’t like seafood much and I wanted to play ______________ (8) games Scrabble and Darts with my friend John, but I had to go. We went there ______________ (9) car because the weather was terrible! It was ______________ (10). My dad said “You ______________ (11) wear your seatbelts! That’s the ______________ (12)!”
The restaurant looked empty but it was the ______________ (13) restaurant that I’ve ever seen! There were lots of Sakura trees and the waiters were dressed in beautiful national uniform. I think the job of the waiter is very difficult because they always ______________ (14) be polite and careful.
My parents ordered tom yum and mussels. I decided to eat _____________ (15) pasta with seafood and ______________ (16) dessert. To my surprise the food was great! It was _______ (17) than my dad’s soup yesterday! I ate all my pasta and tried __________ (18) Mum’s mussels. Mum said: “Never say “no” before you try!”

6 A go B went C gone
7 A restaurant B centre C gym
8 A sport B computer C board
9 A by B on C in
10 A hot B raining C sunny
11 A don’t have to B must C needn’t
12 A game B rule C joke
13 A beautifulest B more beautiful C most beautiful
14 A have to B can C don’t have to
15 A some B any C a few
16 A an B some C a
17 A more tastier B tastier C tastiest
18 A a few B a little C any


Ответ дал: letnijhays


6. B went

7. A restaurant

8. C board

9. A by

10. B raining

11. B must

12. C rule

13. C most beautiful

14. A have to

15. A some

16. A an

17. B tastier

Ti Clear conversations

18. A a few

Ответ дал: ujw


6.B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.B



brawlpower8: Ну и кому верить из вас двоих…..
letnijhays: хз
ujw: в 12 у них буква не правилна но ответ верный. в 16 дессерт это uncountable поэтому some. в 18 тоже самое uncountable поэтому a little :)
ujw: а нет в 18 у меня не правильно, извините
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