Level 1. Match the verbs with the correct part of the body (3 points) 1. hear a) nose 2. breath b) hand 3. speak 4. take 5. smell 6. think Level 2. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box (3 points) bleeding c) ear d) head e) lungs f) mouth fell ill injection ambulancex-ray temperature 1. His wound was all day long. 2. Then brought me to the hospital. 3. She wasn't at school yesterday because she 4. Kate runs high_ 5. The doctor asked his nurse to take a/an 6. You need a/an 2. "I'm always tired". 3. "I've got a headache". I think we should call the doctor. of my broken leg. to make your pain less. Level 3.Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or Past Simple Tense (3 points) 1. Before the doctor 2. He 3. Mother 4. After Sue 5. Tom (to come) Bill's mother (to wash) his finger and put a plaster after he (to go) to the chemist's before father (to take) some medicine she (to recover) from his illness by Saturday.Level 4 a) Imagine that you are a doctor. Give some advice to these people. Use "should" or "shouldn't (1, 5 points) 1. "I'm too fat". (to take) his temperature. (to cut) it. (to arrive). (to have) her dinner. b) Make up the dialogue between the doctor and his patient " Your visit to the Doctor" (1, 5 points).Хелп​



Ответ дал: Hindera










1)His wound was bleeding all day long

2)Then the ambulance brought me to the hospital

3)She wasn't at school yesterday because she fell ill

4)Kate runs a high temperature

5)The doctor asked his nurse to take an X-ray of my broken leg

6)You need an injection to make your pain less


1)Before the doctor came,I had already taken some medicine

2)He cut his finger before his mother washed it and put a plaster on it

3)Mother had already had her dinner before father arrived

4)After Sue had gone to the chemist's,she took some medicine

5)Tom had recovered from his illness by Saturday.


a) Patient: "I'm too fat"

Doctor: "You should consider a healthier diet and exercise regularly to achieve a healthy weight*

b)Patient: "Doctor, Ive been feeling really tired lately."

Doctor: "Have you been getting enough sleep?How's your diet?Any other symptoms?"

c)Parient: "Doctor, Ive got a headache yesterday,what I need to do?

Doctor: "Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoking. If it persists,come back to see me"

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