Form nouns from the words in bold. 1. To my great ………… the play was excellent. ENJOY 2. We wish everybody joy and …………..……… in the New Year. HAPPY 3. I could see real ………… in my dog’s eyes when I had to go on a business trip. SAD 4. She looked at him in ………………..…. AMAZE 5. We like to spend a weekend at the …………… park. AMUSE​


Ответ дал: sander240309


1.To my great enjoyment, the play was excellent.

2.We wish everybody joy and happiness in the New Year.

3.I could see real sadness in my dog's eyes when I had to go on a business trip.

4.She looked at him in amazement.

5.We like to spend a weekend at the amusement park.

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