помогите пж, дам 50
Complete the sentences with the Future Continuous or Future Perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Let's make a simple chocolate cake. I promise we_____ (finish) baking by 12 o'clock. ______(you/use) this knife? If not, please wash 2 it and put it in the drawer. 3 Tomorrow at 8 o'clock we____ (watch) a cooking competition. It's the final episode. 4 ______(John/open) his own nutrition clinic by the end of the year? 5 The cakes in this bakery are very popular. I'm sure______ (sell out) by lunchtime. they​


Ответ дал: llawsu8

Let’s make a simple chocolate cake. I promise we will have finished baking by 12 o’clock.

Will you use this knife? If not, please wash it and put it in the drawer.

Tomorrow at 8 o’clock we will be watching a cooking competition. It’s the final episode.

Will John have opened his own nutrition clinic by the end of the year?

The cakes in this bakery are very popular. I’m sure they will have sold out by lunchtime.

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