Вправа 1. Доповніть речення використовуючи модальні дієслова : can/can't, must/mustn't or may. 1.You……………. forget to offer your mother a present on Mother's day. 2.You ………….brush your teeth regularly. 3.Birds........ fly but elephants…………. 4.It………..rain this afternoon. There are many grey clouds in the sky. 5………….. you lend me some money, please? 6.I ……….speak French but I can't write it . 7.You ………. eat or sleep in class. 8.Students………… switch off their mobile phones in class. 9. You .......... go into that restaurant without a tie. 10. The lesson is over pupils. You……………..leave now.Good bye. 11. You ………… borrow three books a week from our library. 12.Medicines ……….. cure us when we are ill but they …….. be harmful if we take them without our doctor's prescription. 13.Teachers and students ………… go to school late. 14.I ………. ski at any time of the day here but I ……… bring my equipment first. 15.We ………… help the elderly as much as we can.​


Ответ дал: 236859


1.You can't forget to offer your mother a present on Mother's day. 2.You can brush your teeth regularly. 3.Birds can fly but elephants can't 4.It can rain this afternoon. There are many grey clouds in the sky. 5. Can you lend me some money, please? 6.I can speak French but I can't write it . 7. You can't eat or sleep in class. 8.Students can switch off their mobile phones in class. 9. You can't into that restaurant without a tie. 10. The lesson is over pupils. You can leave now.Good bye. 11. You can borrow three books a week from our library. 12.Medicines can cure us when we are ill but they can be harmful if we take them without our doctor's prescription. 13.Teachers and students can't go to school late. 14.I can't ski at any time of the day here but I can bring my equipment first. 15.We can help the elderly as much as we can.


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