твір на тему (подорож на потязі) англ


Ответ дал: ilaffyvashie

I went on a trip by train. I was so excited to see all the new places and people along the way!

As the train chugged along the tracks, I looked out the window and saw beautiful scenery passing by. I saw tall mountains, green fields, and colorful flowers. I even saw some cute animals like cows and horses.

During the journey, I met some friendly people on the train. We talked about our homes, families, and the places we were heading to. I even made a new friend, a kind old lady who shared some yummy snacks with me.

After a long and enjoyable ride, we finally reached our destination. I was happy and a bit tired from the journey, but I felt grateful for the memories and experiences I had gained.

And that's the story of my journey by train.

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