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Ответ дал: ostapupin

Food adverts are popular with children.

Kids like junk food, they're keen on it.

Hamburgers are bad for our health.

She's worried about her exams.

My friends are disappointed with the unhealthy food for their pets.

I'm good at Maths.

Children are used to technology.

This book is full of beautiful words.

My mom is happy with my test results.

Teachers are kind to children, because they like kids.

I like computer games and I'm interested in technology.

I am really afraid of my Hebrew exam.

Japan is famous for its sushi and racing.

Пояснення: Якщо я надіюсь правильно зробив позначте як найліпша відповідь

Ответ дал: iheartgwess
1. with
2. on
3. for
4. about
5. responsible
6. at/bad
7. to
8. of
9. disappointed
10. kind
11. in
12. afraid
13. famous
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