будь ласка допоможіть
в відповіді треба использивать частинку (too)​



Ответ дал: lidiia3847483
1. I like to wear sneakers with my jeans.
2. Math is difficult for me, but I keep practicing.
3. I'm a slow eater, I like to take my time with my food.
4. The line at the amusement park was very long.
5. She always wears heels to the party.
6. My little brother is young and he still needs help tying his shoes.
7. I woke up late this morning and had to rush to get ready for school.
8. I'm feeling tired after playing basketball for hours.
9. Swimming is easy for me because I've been doing it for years.
10. I like to keep my room clean and organized.
11. The movie was long and I fell asleep halfway through.
12. The race is high and you'll need to pace yourself to finish.
Чи можно дякую?

sasha5745: дякую, вибач що написала що с частичкой too я не много напутала
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