Помогите пожалуйста, дам 15 баллов



Ответ дал: lidiia3847483
Some, any, no:
1. Not all of the children went outside. Some of them stayed in the classroom.
2. I have to go to the supermarket. There isn't any coffee left.
3. We need some bread for lunch.
4. Would you like some milk? No, thank you. I don't want any milk.
5. There is no apple in this meat salad.Much, many, a lot of:
1. Did you buy much food yesterday?
2. There aren't any oranges left in the fridge.
3. There are a lot of chocolate bars on the table.
4. We haven't got much olive oil in our school canteen.
5. How much milk do you want in your coffee?
6. How much bread did you buy?
7. How many chocolate bars are there on the table?
8. We have got a lot of orange juice.
9. I want some fruits.
10. Nick hasn't got much money.
Чи можно дякую?

eudhhsnanakshh: спасибо большое!
lidiia3847483: Чи можно ❤️?
lolayoulhhghh: Здраствуйте помогите пожалуйста с историей если можете для меня очень важна эта робота, задание у меня в профиле.
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