Word formation
12 Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.
1 Doctors provide free flu vaccinations to reduce the spread of . (INFECT)
2 Drinking two litres of water every day is to your health. (BENEFIT)
3 If you eat well and go to the gym every day, it’s easy to become fit and . (MUSCLE)
4 He feels today because he was kept awake all last night by my cough. (EXHAUST)
5 She keeps coming down with various . (ILL)
6 I often suffer from indigestion so I take medicine to relieve the symptoms. (PAIN)
7 Deep can help to reduce stress levels. (BREATHE)
8 Eating a balanced diet is much than eating only fruit and vegetables. (HEALTH)
9 Swimming burns calories more than jogging. (EFFECTIVE)
10 The doctor gave him a for some antibiotics. (PRESCRIBE)


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