вставте слова в впр 5 из впр 3

ВПР 3 слова: across along away from down into off onto out of over past round through to towards under up​



Ответ дал: lidiia3847483
1 We walked among some trees to the river and across the bridge to the other side.
2 There aren't many wild animals in the desert.
3 Go through the tunnel and up the hill to the top.
4 They sailed across the ocean in a large ship.
5 Hastings is on the south coast of England.
6 Jake walked out of the classroom, closed the door and then walked into the science lab and sat down.
7 The road doesn't go over the mountain. It's too high. It goes around it to the other side and back down.
8 We live by the sea. I can see it from my bedroom window.
Чи можно дякую?

arsencuksofia1: дякую
Ответ дал: ghhccb
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