раскройте скобки в Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous
1. I (pack) my things for 3 hours already.
2. Jane just (forget) her umbrella at home.
3. I already (put) my toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste.
4. She hasn't (buy) a phonecard yet.
5. You (work) as sales manager since 2020.


Ответ дал: CodeConqueror

1. I have been packing my things for 3 hours already. (present perfect continuous)

2. Jane has just forgotten her umbrella at home. (present perfect)

3. I have already put my toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste in my bag. (present perfect)

4. She hasn't bought a phonecard yet. (Present Perfect Simple)

5. You have been working as sales manager since 2020. (Present Perfect Continuous)

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