!!!!! СРОЧНО!!!!!3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets (gerund or infinitive) and explain the meaning of the item you choose. 1. Sheryl forgot (bring) her purse, so I lent her ten dollars. 2. I completely forgot (come) here when I was a kid. But now I remember! My parents brought me here when I was three. 3. Lydia really regrets (drop) out of high school. She has really had to struggle to make a living because of that decision. 4. I regret (inform) you that Mr. Smith has passed away. 5. Did you remember (pack) your swimsuit? Our vacation in Hawaii won't be much fun if you can't go swimming. 6. Do you remember (be) stuck in that elevator when we were in New York? I thought we would never get out of there! 7. If you can't find the key, try (open) the lock with something else, like a knife or​


Ответ дал: zoriana77
1. to bring
2. coming
4.to inform
5. to pack
6. being

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