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Ответ дал: lidiia3847483
1. Tom must have been at home when I called. I saw his shadow in the window.
2. It's the first time I have been to London and I love this city.
3. "Which bus should I take?" "Either. They all go to Trafalgar Square."
4. I know it was John who broke the window because I saw him do it.
5. I thought I would never succeed in passing the driving test.
6. So the boss gave you a bonus! That was very generous of him.
7. If you want my advice, you should invest the money in some business and let them work for you.
8. I'd rather he stayed at home with the children, if he doesn't mind.
9. It is a very difficult decision and it needs careful thinking!
10. I am up the creek without a paddle, aren't I?
Чи можно дякую?

nellytheelephant: не все верно
nellytheelephant: в 3 ответ any. Either - это если б там было только два автобуса, а их больше. и про деньги надо помнить, что используется местоимение it - это неисчисляемое существительное
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