Task 4 Listen to the dialogue and choose a) or b).
1 Paul is checking the...
a) messages b) weather forecast
2 The weather is ...
a) hot and sunny b) chilly and cloudy
3 If it rains, George usually...
Ca) stays at home Ob) goes out
4 It will probably be.
a) slippery b) freezing
5 Paul suggests wearing...
a) hats and sunglasses
b) raincoats and boots
6 George and Paul finally decide to ...
a) stay inside b) go out
Прошу кто знает?


Ответ дал: mkp1313130


a, b, a, b, a, a.


hdjdkkdio: У меня вышло b,b,a,a,b,a
hdjdkkdio: 5b там 100%
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