Task 4. Write 10 sentences on the topic “Is it easy to be a teenager?”
Task 5. Read the poem and guess which problems the girl touches upon in her poem…
Why is nothing ever easy?
Why are some boys so very sleazy?
Why can’t I have that brand new dress?
Why am I under so much stress?
Why don’t my parents ever believe me?
Why can’t they ever see...
Why do I feel so often unhappy?
Why do they always wish I was still in a nappy?
Why does my face feel like a block of lard?
Why are all these years really hard?
There’s a reason for all these problems and tears.
I am going through my Teenage Years!

Answer the questions:
Which problems does the girl touch upon in the poem?
What is typical teenager?
What problems do teenagers have?


Ответ дал: sigmavostro


In the poem, the girl touches upon the problems of feeling unhappy, being under stress, facing parental disbelief, struggling with body image issues, wanting material possessions, dealing with sleazy boys, and questioning why teenage years are so hard.

The poem highlights the typical teenage experience of feeling misunderstood, struggling with self-identity, facing societal pressures, and experiencing a range of emotions.

Some common problems that teenagers face include peer pressure, academic stress, body image issues, parental conflict, and navigating romantic relationships. Additionally, teenagers are often in a transitional period of their lives, trying to figure out who they are and where they fit in the world.


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