Task 8: Read the letters which were written by 2 teenagers. The first letter was written by a girl, the second one was written by a boy. Your task is

1: Give advice to a girl.

2: Give advice to a boy.

Letter 1

My name is Betty. I’m 15. Last week my parents went away on holiday, so I decided to dye my hair. I’m blonde and I dyed my hair black. Now it looks awful and I don’t know what to do. A couple of days ago my parents came home, and when my mother saw my hair, she went completely mad. Now as a punishment, she says I can’t dye it back. What should I do?

Letter 2

I’m a young boy. My name is Richard. I’m 16. I have never been out with a girl. I’ve never even kissed one. My friends have all had lots of girlfriends, but girls don’t seem to be interested in me. Now I tell everyone that I have a girlfriend in France, but I don’t think they believe me. What should I do?


Ответ дал: ilyaShark73


1. Advice for a girl. I think, she should to explain her mum, that she just wanted to do something new with her hair and now she understands, that it wasn't the best thought.

2. Advice for a boy. In my opinion, he should ask her for some her photos and than show this photos to his friends as a proof


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